As student loan debt soars to historical highs most never dreamed of in decades past, analysts worry about the US economy, the government sees that they are loaning more than they are getting back (surprise!), and private loan servicers around the US must employ aggressive debt collection tactics in efforts to see debts satisfied. With over 44 million borrowers owing a cumulative total of over $1.48 trillion and surpassing both auto and credit card loans, there is obvious reason to worry about the big picture—and the financial future for students of all ages.
On the individual level though, many are finding their own debt skyrocketing out of control after they entered forbearance programs—and often upon the encouragement of loan service providers or others. Students who have just graduated or were forced to drop out of college before receiving their diplomas often do not have the income yet to start paying back their loans. Meant to offer temporary delay of student loan payments, a forbearance program still requires the borrower to pay interest that is piling up during that time. Recent news shows that student loan borrowers in alternative repayment programs may find themselves in shock at the true balance owed.
“Loans doubling, tripling, quadrupling, it really does happen all the time,” said Persis Yu, director of the Student Loan Borrower Assistance Project at the National Consumer Law Center, a nonprofit advocacy group.
“There are ways these loans are structured that encourage this ballooning,” Yu said.
Although they may be able to leave their debt in forbearance for an extended time, and avoid the dreaded student loan default, borrowers may later find themselves with new monthly payments that are completely unrealistic—making life even harder than it was before.
“A forbearance is bad because interest continues to accrue and will be capitalized, digging the borrower into a deeper hole,” Kantrowitz said.
If you are worried about student loan delinquencies and where to go from there, consult with a student loan debt attorney as soon as possible. You do have options and avoiding a complete student loan default is in your best interest. Although you may wonder what the point is in worrying about a default after your credit has already been marred due to delinquencies (and there may be other debt in delinquency too, including credit cards, vehicle payments, and more), the consequences can be severe, to include garnishing of wages, collections lawsuits, judgments, and more.
It is also important to understand that as soon as you miss a payment, your student loan is considered delinquent. Once you default (after non-payment for around 270 days), the entire balance accelerates and becomes due.
Have you experienced problems with your loan service provider, or are you in danger of defaulting on your student loan? Contact Fitzgerald & Campbell, APLC now so one of our experienced student loan debt attorneys can review your case and discuss all the available options with you.
Speak with an attorney from Fitzgerald & Campbell, APLC as soon as possible to examine your options. Our attorneys have decades of experience in serving clients as they navigate through challenging financial situations, to include student loan issues, bankruptcy, and other debt management processes. We are here to help! Click here to schedule a free 30-minute consultation, call us at (844) 431-3851, or email us at