Finances are usually something most of us like to keep private, no matter our status. If you are experiencing financial challenges, you are probably under a lot of stress, and the last thing you want to deal with is the embarrassment of others knowing what you are going through. And while that may be the case with some friends and family, it is almost always the case regarding supervisors and co-workers.
Even in the best of times, money can cause enormous amounts of stress. As your income increases, the bottom line may increase too—meaning the bills are just bigger. Your ability to get credit is much greater too though, and before you know it, you may have a host of new lenders and creditors to pay each month. This may be completely acceptable if you have the income to back all your new ‘friends’; however, if you lose your job or some other stressful and unexpected life event arises, you may find yourself completely tapped.
Many debtors cite medical issues as the number one reason for financial downfall, along with unemployment, divorce, and other overwhelming burdens such as student loans. If you are going through a dark time due to such issues, you may need to rely on family members and friends that you trust for support. It can be very difficult to navigate through such difficulties alone—and you may find expert guidance is in order too from a skilled attorney from a law firm like Fitzgerald & Campbell, APLC.
As the issues escalate though from late payments and delinquencies to lawsuits and judgments, you may just want to climb back under the covers and stay there. This is understandable. But if you did not respond to one or more collections lawsuits filed against you in recent months, you may now realize that there are one more judgments granted against you. And while you may have been able to keep other financial stress under wraps, if the creditor begins to exercise their rights to seize your property, freeze bank accounts, and garnish wages, there may be far more people in your business than you want. You might assume such actions should remain confidential, but if a judgment has been granted against you, it is public record.
No, your employer cannot fire you or mete out disciplinary action because of wage garnishments, but confidentiality is an issue left to them—and one most businesses should handle with common sense. Obviously, your boss will probably know about the garnishment, and the accounting department will have to know so they can cut checks according to the court order. Beyond that, however, any responsible business should respect their employees enough to make sure that knowledge of the garnishment stops there.
If you are concerned about impending creditor lawsuits or fighting a default judgment, consult with an experienced law firm like Fitzgerald & Campbell, APLC as soon as possible. A solution can be found to help you through any of these issues, even if a judgment has already been granted.
Our attorneys have decades of experience in serving clients as they navigate through challenging financial situations, to include collection lawsuits, default judgments, and more. Let us review your case and discuss what would work best for you. We are here to help! Call us today for a free consultation at (844) 431-3851, or email us at